

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Reflections - Thanks

No particular order ...

Delta Motorsport - Iain Rowley, Martin and Josh and various others at times - been awesome, to get any FJ to 16 consecutive chequered flags is something of an achievement I reckon - sure, a couple of them were a tad fortunate, but still, we did it! They've put in a lot of hours to keep me going, and they've generally been very good-natured and easy-going about it. Thanks a lot for all your hard work guys! The cheque's in the post ...

XL - my employer - and sponsor - huge thanks of course, there's simply no way I could have seen this through without their valuable assistance. Including my boss, Simon, for tolerating all my time off ...

Mike Bell, sometime crew chief, immensely helpful on several occasions when Iain had other cars to run. Enjoyed your company too Mike.

Colin McKay, who turned up just at the critical time when Iain was stressing to get the gearbox back together at Brands, and lent a pair of calm hands just when they were most needed!

My brother David for keeping me company over the enjoyable weekend at Dijon, and again at Brands Hatch and Goodwood.

Photographers Charlie Wooding, Kitty Chisholm and Ines Campos Costa who have provided me with photos by which to remember it all by! Very sorry to hear that Charlie had his gear stolen after Jerez, especially as he had some nice shots of me, but he only has thumbnail size files left, the rest were nicked - there are some miserable blighters out there, that gear is Charlie's living...

Nick Swift and the guys at Swiftune, for building reliable engines and being straightforward to deal with.

Last but not least... My wife and children, for being supportive and tolerant of all the long weekends that I have spent away!

Oh, and you, dear reader ... It's been heartening to see the audience count creep up every time I write something, would have been dreadful expending all this effort with no readers! You're an international bunch too, I would especially love to know how I've generated so many readers in Russia, or how my exploits came to the attention of people in Ukraine, China and Paraguay!

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