

Thursday 8 August 2013

Nurburgring - Thursday

It was a long night ... Of course I'd missed the ferry I was booked on, the next one was scheduled just 70 minutes later, but then left late ... I got 40 minutes doze on board... All in all it was nearly 0100 French time when I hit the road in Calais. Sustained by the newly acquired Eddie Stobart Truckers' music compilation and the Eddie Stobart Truckers' diet (unofficial!) of biscuits, sweets, crisps and coke I drive straight through, with just one refuelling stop and two other 10minute breaks. Got to Nurburgring just before 0600 this morning.

Had 40 minutes sleep ... Then got sorted, met Iain and Mike and deposited the Motorhome on the sloping field they call the competitors campsite here.

Had a lot of small jobs to do on the car, plus documentation and scrutineering. Free practice sessions were available at extra cost, and I elected to do these having had merely a curtailed run at Mallory last week.

First run was at 1045. Now to be honest I've been pretty nervous that we'd taken a fully functioning car to pieces and would somehow have to suffer an attack of Murphy's law ... However so far (and I shall be keeping my fingers crossed until the chequered flag on Sunday) it's all going very well. New tyres on the car, so worked up to pace slowly in the first session; but no snags. Pushed on a bit harder in the second session, encouraged by the close proximity on track of Ford-powered class competitors John Delane and Kim Shearn. Despite threatening clouds and occasional light drizzle the track stayed dry today which was great for me. I didn't bother running the third session, I was tired myself and didn't want to chance my luck with the car!

Finally got scrutineered and popped back to to the Motorhome for 40 minutes sleep and a shower before drivers' briefing and then dinner in our favourite here: Pistenklaus. Clouds have lifted and we seem set fair for a nice weekend.

Now if you've added up those 40 minute sleeps you might realise why I'm a bit tired and as I am on track at 0840 in the morning, I'm going to bed - night night!

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