

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Goodwood - Thursday

For the big meetings in Europe I often leave late Wednesday evening and drive through the night, but it felt a bit odd pulling away from home at 10pm on Wednesday night to drive just an hour or so down to Goodwood... Arriving at that time I didn't know where I was going to pitch, but my brother lives just five miles away, so I had warned him that I could be parked on his drive when he looked out the next morning. As it happened Goodwood competitors campsite and truck parking area was open and manned, and I just drove straight in and went to sleep - well, I tried to, excitement and nerves were building slightly, I didn't get a decent night's sleep until after my race had gone.

Thursday morning, bit overcast, and Iain wasn't due to arrive with the car until 1030 or so, I went for a run, 10km - running up the downs (600ft climb) round the old Iron Age earthworks at the top of the 'Trundle' and then back down again - very pleased with myself!

I took my racegear into the circuit on the bicycles, signed in as a driver, got a locker in the Driver's Club, picked up dog tags, ration books (for Driver's Club food), and caught up with a few friends, including Aussie Kim Shearn, we did a sighting lap of the circuit on bicycles. Back to the Motorhome, and time to move it up the road to the public campsite where we were booked. Whilst getting it set up there my phone rang, it was Iain ... He sometimes blusters a bit on the phone ... "Err, yeah, I err, don't know how to, err, tell you this, err, but ..." - Spit it out man, what's happened? You crashed the van or something ...? "I might have a drive myself, not sure yet, but i might have, just wanted to check it's okay with you...?" Of course it's ok with me, you silly fool! Iain's been desperate to race at Goodwood, he's there every year supporting someone or other, he's been close to driving on a couple of occasions but it's not worked out for him - now he's going to drive a genuine works ex- Jim Clark, ex-Innes Ireland Lotus 18 F1 car at the meeting where Jim Clark is the tributes driver! I'm delighted for him! Couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for John Chisholm though, who's car it is, he'd put his back out loading ...

Back into the circuit for scrutineering, and various minor prep issues. Then off to the cricket match, a light-hearted cricket match played on the pitch at the front of Goodwood House itself, the match finishes at 6pm, when traditionally a solo Spitfire will appear and display quite low, sometimes seemingly below the height of the tall trees, simply fantastic to see. That was then followed by driver's briefing - Goodwood is a very fast circuit, and unaltered from it's heyday in the 60s, this meeting is the biggest thing in historic racing worldwide - people want to win, but at the same time some cars are there for there exotic rarity and maybe aren't quite up to the pace of those going to win, sometimes those cars are in the hands of slightly less experienced racers ... it's a potentially volatile mix, so the mandatory driver's briefing is basically a lecture about driving standards, and how we all have to keep the competitive urges and red mist, under control for the safety of all concerned, and the longevity of the event. The mood is lightened after that with a champagne party at the House, thanks to Credit Suisse.

Each year, whether competing or not, I have a table booked at the excellent Royal Oak pub in Lavant village, for the second sitting on Revival Thursday, and traditionally some of us cycle ... Last year was a huge night, this year cannot be so, I'm on track tomorrow... Leaving Goodwood house, we collect Kim and Marie Shearn who will dine with us, and we head first to The Kennels, where we have a pre-dinner pint of Goodwood's own ale, and hook up with local friend Mark (who led us 'astray' this night a year ago!), then it's on to the pub, the cycle ride is not without amusement, as Aussie Kim gets a bit wobbly on the hilly lane, in the dark...! He makes it though. We hook up also with Robert Barrie and his wife Rebecca, and also with Iain of course. We have another excellent dinner, possibly just the one glass of wine too many. With chum Mark keen to lead my brother David and I astray again, it is something of a relief to leave the pub just before midnight and find it raining ... Making the decision to head for the campsite, rather than another local hostelry, somewhat easier than it might otherwise have been! Phew!

Tomorrow - qualifying ...

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